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The Student News Site of Colorado State University - College Ave Mag

College Ave Mag

College Ave Mag

College Ave Mag

About Us


Our Community Mission

College Avenue is an independent features magazine produced and operated by Colorado State University students under the Rocky Mountain Student Media Corporation. Our mission is to serve the CSU and Fort Collins community with innovative, engaging and creative coverage of community issues through the lenses of culture and lifestyle.

College Avenue Magazine respects the roles of journalists as storytellers and conversation leaders within the community. As such, we place a special emphasis on community advocacy. Our reason-for-being as a lifestyle magazine is, after all, tied directly to the rich collection of lived experiences within the community.

College Avenue Magazine endeavors to be a safe space and a brave space for every student to share their story.


This publication is not an official publication of Colorado State University, but is published by an independent corporation using the name College Ave Magazine pursuant to a license granted by CSU. Approximately 59% of Rocky Mountain Student Media Corp’s income is provided by the Associated Students of Colorado State University (ASCSU) for the purpose of fostering student careers post-college and greater campus awareness and engagement.


Our History

College Avenue Magazine was started in 2005 under Rocky Mountain Student Media. We are the company’s only student-run magazine, providing valuable experience for student journalists and stimulating reporting for our community. We are an independent publication separate from Colorado State University.


Our coverage has ranged from lifestyle guides for college students to profiles on local businesses to in-depth analyses of pop culture. In 2019, the CSU blackface incident directed us toward providing more demanding coverage of the systems and institutions around us. Our fall 2019 cover story “Is Your Voice Being Heard?” won an SPJ Mark of Excellence award in Non-Fiction Magazine Article and SPJ Ethical Practices in Journalism award. 


In fall 2020, we established our first independent website at, whereas previously our stories were published under the Rocky Mountain Collegian website. 


Today, we remain dedicated to providing critical community reporting for students and Fort Collins residents alike during these extraordinary times. 


Work With Us

For advertising opportunities on our website and print editions, please contact Kim Blumhardt at


If you are interested in working for the magazine please visit our Work For Us Page.


2024-2025 Editorial Board

Avery Coates


Multimedia Editor
Tessa Glowacki


Content Editor
Alexis Freudenthal