“When you’re passionate about something, there’s nothing or no one who can get in your way or stop you from achieving your dreams,” Kelsey Spognardi said, a freshman psychology major at Colorado State University.
Being passionate is something Spognardi connects to her love of make-up. For as long as she can remember, make-up has been something she enjoys doing. Make-up is not just something she does every morning, but it is an art form.
“It’s always been something I’ve had a passion for because it’s like you’re creating art, but with your face,” Spognardi said.

When Spognardi went to a school dance, her mom’s friend, who sold LipSense, had them use the products. Spognardi had noticed throughout the night that her lipstick stayed fresh as if she had just applied it. It even lasted her through a steak dinner.
“That’s when I knew I had to jump on this train and I signed up as a distributor! I’ve stuck with this company because it has changed my life,” Spognardi said.
Since then Spognardi started her own business selling LipSense over a year ago. Just this year she has produced $20,000 in personal sales. The business is Spognardi’s way of income and the way she pays for college. She explained that the business is not hard to do, that the “products sell themselves”.
Spognardi is pursuing her certification as a makeup artist to further her career at LipSense. As a SeneGence distributor, this will increase her credentials. To get her certification, Spognardi has to give over 58 makeovers on different faces of people. She has been planning to practice on some of her sorority sisters to reach the amount she needs.
“[After 58 makeovers] I will be a licensed makeup artist through the company which will mean I have mastered using all of our products,” Spognardi said.

She plans on having LipSense be a part of her career in the future so getting her certification will only benefit her. Spognardi did not plan for this to become such a large part of her life because she had only signed up on LipSense for the discount. But now she runs her own business.
Spognardi advises strongly for girls that have an interest in make-up to join a team and start selling. She gave some easy tips to help people get started:
- Put yourself out there and “work your business.”
- Set goals for yourself and do not stop till those goals are a reality.
- Take lots of pictures of yourself in the products because customers want to see them and how they work.
“Personally I love that I get paid to wear makeup,” Spognardi said.
If you are interested in learning more about joining a LipSense team, you can contact Spognardi here.