With colder weather rolling it, it is time for a closet change. For many out of state students, they are experiencing the changing seasons for the first time. One of these students is Payton Atkins, a freshman at Colorado State University studying communications, who is from Scottsdale, Arizona. This fall was her first time seeing the leaves of trees change color. And just like the leaves are changing, so are everyone’s closets.
Summer and fall in Colorado are two completely different situations weather-wise, which means clothing is going to change throughout the year. Atkins’ closet has “changed a lot because I’ve had to go out and buy long sleeves and jackets, gloves, etc. It [her closet] used to be full of tank tops, it’s now full of jackets.”
The constant weather changes of Colorado can definitely be hard as out of state student. Keeping all of your clothes in your closet is definitely a challenge. Layering is the best thing you can do to cope the ever-changing weather. You can always take off a layer if it gets too hot and if it gets too cold, just put them back on.
Because most freshmen at CSU live in a residence hall, there is not enough closet space to house an entire wardrobe. Deciding which clothes to keep and which to get rid of is hard because it can be 33 degrees one day 80 degrees the next. It is always hard to know if you are prepared for the drastic weather changes of Colorado, especially if you have never been lived through them before.

A windbreaker, beanie and gloves are great pieces to just throw in your backpack before you leave for class, and a great way to stay warm throughout the day. Having a back up is always a good idea, even if you do not use it. You do not want to be stuck on campus, freezing while walking to class in the morning.
“I don’t think I was [prepared] a couple weeks ago but after going shopping and borrowing my roommate’s clothes for a good amount of time, I feel much more prepared for the bipolar Colorado weather,” Atkins said. The key is to find clothing that works for any type of weather. “My favorite item for fall is scarfs and I think they add something to every outfit and plus keep your neck super warm from the wind chill,” Atkins said.
Even though the weather is always changing, Colorado is an amazing place to live. One day it will be snowing, then the sun will melt it all away. And after all that you may witness the most beautiful sunset. “I love it. Having lived in the desert for my whole life, I wanted to get out of the scorching heat,” Atkins said. “When I walked outside the other night and it was snowing I was so happy and it made me certain in my decision to move here.”
The ever-changing weather can be a curse, but it also a blessing.