Print Editions
College Avenue Magazine publishes four times a year, twice a semester. Our glossy print magazines can be found on Rocky Mountain Student Media newsstands and in newsboxes throughout CSU campus, including at bus stops, in the Lory Student Center and inside academic buildings.
Electronic print issues going back to mid-2014 can also be found at our Issuu stack under Rocky Mountain Collegian. Are available issues are linked below.
For advertising opportunities, please contact Christa Reed at
Winter 2024: Political Edition
Fall 2024: Childhood Edition
Summer 2024: Cannabis Edition
Spring 2024: 70’s Edition
Winter 2023: Style and Beauty
Fall 2023: Greetings from Fort Collins
Summer 2023: Health & Wellness
Spring 2023: Performing Arts & Entertainment
Fall 2022: Outdoor Adventures
Fall 2022: CSU Roots
Spring 2022: Celebrating Asian American Heritage Month
Spring 2022: Stories of the Food of Fort Collins
2021-2022: Volume 17
Issue 1: Fall 2021- The Traditions that Embody CSU and Fort Collins